- Experience Certificate Format For Heavy Driver Jobs
- Experience Certificate Format For Heavy Drivers License
- Experience Certificate Format For Heavy Drivers
Check our related experience certificates/letters examples for heavy truck driver. Heavy Truck Driver. Drive truck with capacity of more than 3 tons, to transport materials to from specified destinations. Drive truck to destination, applying knowledge of commercial driving regulations area roads. Prepare receipts for load picked up. Bringing 2 years of experience operating heavy equipment; communications skills and a valid driver’s license. Safety-conscious individual with detail-orientation and 2 years of experience operating Heavy Equipment and power tools for Brady LLC. Interested in the position of a Heavy Equipment Operator with ABC Company, to utilize technical.
Electrical Engineer Experience Certificate To Whom It May Concern It is certified that Mr. James has worked as Electrical Engineer at Elemetic Group of Companies from January 2013 to April 2015. He was appointed to lead the electrical team of ten engineers in the quality control department of export division for Power Distribution Transformers.
Thanx & Regards
From India, Calcutta
I have this particular format.
This is to certify that (Full name of the employee) residing at (his./her address), was working with (us OR Company name) as (last post held) from (date of joining) to (last date of employment). During his/her tenure with the company he/ she was found to be sincere and hardworking.
The management wishes him/her good luck for his/ her future endeavor.
There are other formats also wherein who can put a brief about the job profile also.
Though i am not that experienced in the field of HR but hope this might help you
From India, Pune
Date: ____________
Mr./Ms. _______________was employed with ___________ (company name) from ___________ to ___________. During his/her tenure with us, he/she ably handled major responsibilities in _______________________. His/her major responsibilities included
His/her gross emoluments at the time of leaving ______________ (company name) was Rs.___________/-
We have found him/her to be a self starter who is motivated, duty bound, a highly committed team player with strong conceptual knowledge of ____________(domain name
We wish him/her all success in his/her future endeavors.
Manager- HRD
From India, Bangalore
Try this.
(Should be on a Official Company Letterhead)
Dated On:
This is to certify that (Applicant’s Name) is working with (Applicant’s Company Name) as a (Applicant’s Job Title) from__________to__________.
(Applicant’s Name) is a sincere, honest, hardworking, dedicated employee with a professional attitude and very good job knowledge.
(Applicant’s Name)’s job responsibilities are as bellow:
• Prepare financial statements and reports for clients or company management.
• Record the amount of money spent and received daily by clients or company management, using computer cash-flow software.
• Develop and check budgets.
• Recommend an appropriate tax structure for a client to use the most efficient way of holding tax assets.
• Ensure compliance with relevant legislation
• Give advice on a range of financial aspects of a business such as budgets, tax and cash flows.
• Analyze how well a business is performing financially.
• Review businesses' accounting procedures.
• Assist management with strategic planning and human resources (HR).
(Applicant’s Name) is an enthusiastic and resourceful professional and an asset to the organization. I wish all the best and success in future career endeavors.
Signature of the person issuing the letter
Name of the person issuing the letter
Title of the person issuing the letter
Another one:
Suggested Format of Experience Certificate
(On certifying Company’s/Firm’s letterhead)
To whomsover it may concern
This is to certify that Mr./Ms./Mrs. has worked in our organization as
(Designation) from to and is having good experience and knowledge in
For (Name of Certifying company/firm)
(Signature of the Director/Partner of the certifying company/firm.)
(Name of the Director/Partner)
Date :
For submission to
Teachers Recruitment Board
1 Name of the Candidate
2 Name and address of the
School in which employed
3 Type of School/Institution
(Govt /Aided /Unaided /Matric /Anglo Indian /CBSE /Kendriya
Vidyalaya /Other State school)
Date of appointment as
(a) Secondary Grade Teacher
(b) Graduate Assistant
(c) Postgraduate Assistant
5 Classes and Subjects taught
Classes Total period of Service
handled Subjects taught Total periods
per week Date from Date to Period
Certified that the above facts are true as per office records.
Place : Signature :
Date : Name :
Seal : Designation :
(Head of institution/Correspondent)
Verified the above facts with reference to the records and found correct
Ref. No. Signature :
Place : Name :
Date : Designation :
Take care
From India, Mumbai
To whom It may concern
This is to certify that (Name) was appointed in (Company name) as (Position) on (Date and year) and that he has worked here up to (Date and year).
According to our knowledge (Name) has an excellent track record and his work has been found satisfactory because of his sincerity, dedication and hard work. We have no problem with him joining any other company.
We wish him every success in his future.
For (Company Name)
Authorized Signatory
To Whom It May Concern
This is to certify that Mr. ......................................, Son of .......................................... worked as Senior Executive in our company from .............................. to ............................ with our entire satisfaction. During his working period we found him a sincere, honest, hardworking, dedicated employee with a professional attitude and very good job knowledge. He is amiable in nature and character is well. We have no objection to allow him in any better position and have no liabilities in our company.
We wish him every success in life.
For ................................
M. M. Iqbal Mahmud
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
From India, Ahmadabad
Experience Certificate Format For Heavy Driver Jobs
FORMS_PROCEDURES.doc (174.0 KB, 2181 views) |
Experience Certificate Format For Heavy Drivers License
Experience Certificate Format For Heavy Drivers
Hi Radha, Please find the attached experience certifiacate copy. regradsFrom India, Delhi
Good Experience and Relieving Certificate.doc (35.0 KB, 4743 views) |
This is to certify that Mr./Ms./Mrs ______worked as an ____________(designation) in _______(department) in our company from __________ to _______. During this tenure we found him sincere, hardworking and dedicated. He has a great future ahead, and we wish him/her good luck in his/her future endeavors.
For _______
The Aurhorized Signatory.
Find more format at : https://www.samplefilled.com/experie...ts-in-ms-word/
From India, Nellore
If you are knowledgeable about any fact, resource or experience related to this topic - please add your views using the reply box below. For articles and copyrighted material please only cite the original source link. Each contribution will make this page a resource useful for everyone.
Name of the person:______________
Address: ______________
Date: ________
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that ...[ employee title ] ... [ employee name ] was working at ...[ organization name ] as 'heavy truck driver' from ... [ joining date ] to ...[ last working date ].
During this period, his services were found to be satisfactory in carrying out the job duties.
Work Responsibilities - were to:
1) Drive truck with capacity of more than 3 tons, to transport materials to from specified destinations
2) Drive truck to destination, applying knowledge of commercial driving regulations area roads
3) Prepare receipts for load picked up
4) Collect payment for goods delivered for delivery charges
5) May maintain truck log, according to state federal regulations
6) May maintain telephone or radio contact with supervisor to receive delivery instructions
7) May inspect truck equipment supplies, like tires, lights, brakes, gas, oil, and water
8) May perform emergency roadside repairs, like changing tires, installing light bulbs, tire chains, and spark plugs
9) May position blocks tie rope around items to secure cargo during transit
10) When driving truck equipped for specific purposes, like fighting fires, digging holes, and installing and repairing utility company lines, may be designated Fire-Truck Driver petrol. and gas ; Hole-Digger-Truck Driver construction; tel. and tel.; utilities ; Tower-Truck Driver tel. tel.; utilities
11) When specializing in making deliveries, may be designated Delivery-Truck Driver, Heavy any industry
12) May be designated according to type of truck driven as Truck Driver, Flatbed logging
13) May be designated according to kind of cargo transported as Water Hauler logging .
We wish him/her all the best in his future
...[ Employer name ]
...[ Employer position ]
...[ Organization sign/stamp ]
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