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Indian Nadi Astrologer | Online Nadi Astrologer | Vaitheeswaran Koil Nadi Astrologer | Genuine Nadi Astrologer | Nadi Jyothishya Nilayam

Vedic Astrology & Nadi Astrology If we do research to find out the difference between Vedic astrology and Nadi astrology, astrology predictions based upon arithmetical calculation by men is Vedic astrology and forecasting by Maharishis with their spiritual power, already written in the Palm leaves is Nadi astrology. This free astrology magazine is contributed by astrologers worldwide who wish to carry the torch of true astrology to the next generation of astrologers. This website contains astrology (Jyotish) articles of various categories like Indian astrology, Western astrology, Bhrigu Saral Paddhati, Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati, Nadi astrology etc.

About Siva Nadi

The origin of palm leaves Astrology or Nadi Astrology as most popularly know in Tamil Nadu, Vaitheeswaran Koil or Pullirukkuvelur is a Hindu temple dedicated to the Lord Shiva.

Nadi Astrology

Nadi Astrology is in the form of Hindu astrology proficient in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and beside inner citys in India.The prominent theory of Nadi Astrology is “Nadi”. There are 150 Nadis in a sign or Rashi, one sign is 30 degrees of zodiac. Twelve signs of zodiac arrange into three divisions. Movable (Chara), Fixed (Sthira) and Dual (Dvisvabhava) signs Nomenclature of 150 Nadis is peculiar to each of these three types of signs.
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Nadi Astrology Software Free Online


Nadi Reading


First you are required to provided to give an impression of your thum print, For Females the left thumb and for males the right one. From your thumb impression the nadi readers can explain you past, present and future results.These procedure can be done with a scan sent to email, what’s app, Skype, or mobile phone. Once the Nadi Readers are okey with the quality of your scan. After that, we will scheduled for you discussions.
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Nadi Remedies

Nadi Astrology Software Free Online Version

Remedies are clarifications to your life’s problems, unfavorable situations, long term negative tracks… Remedies will ‘Course Correct’ Your Life’s Path. The purpose behind your current issues and problems are analyzed - poor finances, wrong self beliefs or misconceptions. Nadi remedies are suggested to you by taking into consideration the problems you are facing now.Therefore, the soul is responsible for the misery and the happiness he made the experience in this birth.
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Nadi kandams

The Palm leaves are a set of highly standardized manuscripts divided into sixteen chapters or Kandams. These Kandams serialize the various aspects of materialistic and Divine life of an individual such as family, marriage, profession, wealth, luck, a relationship between brothers & sisters, Friends, Business Partners etc., These chapters gives details about previous birth & sins, and committed problems & solutions for Atri Maharishi is signify the each separate kandam (2 to 16).
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Nadi Astrology Prediction Is Extremely Ancient, At Least 5000 Years Old. The Origin Of The Nadi Astrology (Palm Leaf Reading) Can Be Traced Back To Approximately Thousands Years Ago. Nadi Astrology Is An Ancient Art Of Astrology Which Was Practiced By Sages Of India As Thousands Of Years Ago That The Saptarishi’s Who Had Written The Palm Leaves With Their Yogic's Power.

Guruji. P.Karan Swamy

Guruji. P.Karan Swamy, is one of the most famous successful vedic astrologer, Naadi Jyotish and palm leaf reader in India. He inherited and learned most of it from my father, who is also an astrologer. With his blessings, horoscope analysis and Naadi reading has become my main forte. Additionally, He well versed in Hindi, Telugu, English, and Tamil
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Nadi Astrology Software Free Online Download

Reader. M.S. Murthy Swamy

Mr. M.S. Murthy Swamy, is one of the most famous successful vedic astrologer, Naadi Jyotish and palm leaf reader in India. I inherited and learned most of it from my father, who is also an astrologer. With his blessings, horoscope analysis and Naadi reading has become my main forte. Additionally, I'm well versed in Hindi, Telugu, English, and Tamil
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By Punit Pandey

Today I want to talk about Nadi astrology. What is Nadi astrology? How you shouldlearn it? How you should use it? There is too much confusion surrounding Nadi Astrologynow-a-days. Bhrigu Nadi, Dhruva Nadi, Sapta Rishi Nadi, Chandra Kala Nadi, NandiNadi etc. are the terms that you might have already heard. Some people think itas a system of astrology like Jaimini or Tajik. Some people will say that Nadi Astrologyis predictions written on leafs. Others will say that Nadi astrology about thumbimpression and prediction based on that. This association of Nadi Astrology withNadi leaves and thumb impressions is more common in Southern part of India. So Whatexactly is Nadi astrology then?

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Let me explain you in the language that you understand. This is very important forastrologers and astrology students, so listen carefully. Nadi astrology is not asystem of astrology. When somebody calls it a system of astrology, he is incorrect.Nadi Astrology is a process, a batch process of writing predictions for large numberof people in advance. This process of Nadi Astrology has three roles involved -A Nadi Writer, A Nadi Reader and a consultee/ client. Apart from these three rolesNadi has a techniques to for indexing those large number of horoscopes . This indexingtechnique is used later to find out exact note or prediction for the client. Indexingtechniques of Nadi Astrology is miraculous as those can index millions of horoscopeswithout using software of computer. Amazing.

Coming back to the roles. Nadi Writers writes predictions of large number of peoplein advance and Nadi Reader reads-out those predictions for the client when clientvisits him. These two processes happens at different period of time. Some of theNadis are written hundred years back and some are written couples of hundred yearback. Some may be written even thousands of years back .. who knows.

Anyways, Nadi Writer writes the large number of horoscopes and predictions in advance.Different Nadis use different techniques for classification and indexing of theselarge number of horoscopes. Some Nadis like Agastya Nadi classifies those horoscopesbased on thumb impression. Some Nadies like Chandra Kala Nadi uses Nadi Amsa forindexing and classification. Some Nadies like Bhrigu Nadi use year of birth forindexing. Some Nadis uses shadow size of the native for indexing. So various Nadisuse various techniques for indexing and classification. Sometimes Nadis do alsouse composite techniques and combine multiple methods to search quickly.

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Different Nadis also use different astrological systems for predictions. As NadiWriters mostly writes predictions without giving much of astrology information andhence it is difficult to find out which system is being used. Different Nadis usesdifferent systems, some are primarily transit based, some are Jaimini based, someare Parashari based and so on. For most of the Nadis, though, knowledge of systemis unavailable as what is left to us is just written predictions. For example, ChandraKala Nadi uses Parashari and Jaimini systems primarily for writing those predictions.

OK, so now you understand that Nadi is not a system but a process. A process whereNadi writers writes predictions for large number of people in advance in a indexedfashion. Nadi Writer is actually the one who knows astrology. The job of Nadi Writerends after writing and indexing those predictions. After that job of Nadi Readersstarts. When a client visit to Nadi Reader, Nadi Readers uses the indexing techniquesto find out the right predictions and reads it out in front of the client. NadiReaders is generally not an astrologer, he just reads out what is already written.

So suppose somebody says that he is using Nadi Astrology in his predictions, itis technically incorrect. He should say that I use 'principles' of 'Brigu Nadi'or 'principles' of 'Agasthya Nadi' in my predictions. There cannot be any systemcalled Nadi Astrology unless one doesn't understand the real terminology. For example,Satya Jatakam is based on principles of Dhruva Nadi. So if you have to learn principlesthat Dhruva Nadi writer uses, you can go through Satya Jatakam or Jataka Satyacharyawritten by Sage Satyacharya.

Before I close this, I want to caution about certain Nadis. There is a type of Nadiwhich doesn't use astrology at all. This is called Mantra Nadi. Mantra Nadi usessome siddhis or psychic power for predictions. These Nadis, as do not use astrologyand cannot predict future very accurately. But those Nadis can predict present andpast very accurately. Generally people associated with such Nadis pretend like NadiReaders and also use Nadi leafs to look like Nadi Reader but he is actually usingthose low-level psychic power for predictions. One should stay away from Such Nadis.

I hope you understand now what is Nadi and I hope you find this video useful. Thankyou .. bye bye.